About the Company
Popular Tutors
Popular Tutors Has 37,000 Experienced Tutors, Who Each Have Proven Track Records To Improve Students Grades
Hire Singapore’s Most Popular Tutors
Now is the time for you to stop guessing what your examiner wants, and to start presenting your answers in a way that examiners LIKE, so that you can score full marks!
It is the delivery and the precision of the tutor that really matters when you want to score an A.
In 2017, our tutors helped over 3,000 students score distinctions in their exams.
The grades of over 1,200 students went from borderline/fail to strong B’s.
Every year, approximately 90% of our students achieve an A1 to B4 grade for their O Level exams. For the PSLE and A Level exams, 65% scored distinctions.
Popular Tutors has been in the tuition industry since 2007, and we understand the concerns of students, parents and tutors.
This allows us to better match suitable tutors to students.
Over 37,000 of Singapore’s best tutors have registered with us, to meet different needs and requirements.
Popular Tutors is Singapore’s top tuition agency.
They include current and former MOE teachers (about 20% of our team), experienced university undergraduates and graduate full-time tutors (about 60% of our team) and post-graduate tutors with Master’s and PhDs (about 20% of our team).
And they have Singapore’s best track record of successful grade improvements.
There are 3 key reasons:
First, the tutors that we recommend have proven track records of improving their students’ grades because Popular Tutors retains only the highest quality tutors in our database. Our verification process ensures that the tutor you hire has the relevant expertise to help your grades improve.
Second, Popular Tutors is well-known by MOE teachers – who engage us to find reliable tutors for their own children. Our current and past clients include parents who are leading educators, principals of top tuition centres and school teachers.
Third, Popular Tutors is able to help you find the most suitable tutor in the shortest time – and within your requirements – because we have the largest team of reliable and qualified tutors in Singapore.
Students are typically able to achieve between 1 to 3 grade improvements after an average of 2 semesters of tuition with our tutors.
Our tutors will explain in detail how you can structure answers that will please even the most demanding examiner.
Popular Tutors has at least 2,000 tutors for each major academic subject that is taught in school. For example, we have over 6,000 experienced tutors who teach Science – and only Science.
We are confident that we have the perfect tutor for you.
Most of our tutors were once top-scoring students, and they are very familiar with the current curriculum.
They will help you with your homework, assignments and projects, revision, and exam preparation.
We are a team of former NIE-trained MOE teachers who understand the needs of students, and the frustration of finding the right home tutors for students who want to do better in school.
Popular Tutors aims to give you an effective, trusted and worry-free experience when hiring a private tutor.
We have tutors who specialize in each of the subjects taught at MOE schools, and at Primary, Secondary, Junior College, Polytechnic and University levels.
We treat every customer and every assignment with the same dedication and urgency.
Give us between 8 to 24 hours and we will show you a range of tutor profiles that match your requirements
Register at Popular Tutors. Tutors who register at both Popular Tutors and Tuition Assignments have a 90% chance of getting an assignment within the first week!
Please also note that Popular Tutors does not post all of its assignments here which is why we also recommend tutors to apply on Popular Tutors website itself 🙂
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Job Positions
Popular Tutors Bishan Street 11, Singapore $60/hour
Secondary 2 Geography Tuition Assignment North. $40/hr. Urgent (GC327)
Popular Tutors Sembawang Close, Singapore $40/hour -
Secondary 1 Tamil Tuition Assignment West. $35/hr. Urgent (GC285)
Popular Tutors Senja Road, Singapore $35/hour -
Secondary 4 NA (G2) Biology Tuition Assignment West. $55/hr. Urgent (GC246)
Popular Tutors Bukit Batok Street 32, Singapore $55/hour -
IP Year 1 English Tuition Assignment East. $45/hr to $55/hr. Urgent (GC222)
Popular Tutors Eastwood Road, Singapore $45 - $55/hour -
Secondary 3 Physics Tuition Assignment Central. $45/hr. Urgent (GC180)
Popular Tutors Jalan Pintau, Singapore $45/hour -
Secondary 1 Geography Tuition Assignment East. $40/hr. Urgent (GC164)
Popular Tutors Flora Drive, Singapore $40/hour -
Primary 5 English Tuition Assignment East. $50/hr to $70/hr. Urgent (GC135)
Popular Tutors Siglap Road, Singapore $50 - $70/hour -
Primary 3 Malay Tuition Assignment East. $55/hr. Urgent (GC99)
Popular Tutors Upper Boon Keng Road, Singapore $55/hour